The Kirkin’ O’ the Chief & The Chief's at Home - 25 October 2015
Post date: Oct 12, 2015 9:9:48 AM
The “Kirkin’ O’ the Chief” is where the Chief and Lady President and the serving Council Members of the Cape Town Caledonian Society take their Oaths of Office in public, before God, and you the Members and Friends of the Society. It’s a very special day in the life of your Society because your full Council pledges to serve you in the name of the Society for the year ahead.
As you know by now your Chief is always just a phone call away if you need him but at “The Chief’s at Home” he is literally ‘at home’ to you on a one to one social basis and is only too happy to interact in whatever way. That goes for the Lady President and the Council Members too so now’s the opportunity to chat and put forward ideas YOU think will make the Society more appealing to old and new Members and continue to attract more Members – and have FUN!
Please refer to the flyer below for further details about these events. Don’t forget to advise Jacinta by Thursday 22 October to ensure your reservations for lunch.